What is irritability?

Irritability is defined as an excessive sensitivity or annoyance to small problems, issues, or delays. It refers to a low tolerance for things that may not bother others and a tendency to overreact with anger or frustration.

Common Signs of Irritability

  • Becoming easily annoyed by minor inconveniences
  • Quick temper and frequent mood swings
  • Overreacting to small frustrations
  • Difficulty coping with stress or changes in routine
  • Increased tension, impatience, or edginess
  • Snapping at friends/family or lashing out verbally

Causes of Irritability

Irritability can have many underlying causes, including:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Hormonal changes
  • Chronic pain or illness
  • Anxiety or depression disorders

Seek help if irritability persists or worsens.

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Managing Irritability

If you struggle with frequent irritability, some self-care tips include:

  • Getting enough sleep and physical activity
  • Practicing stress-reduction techniques like meditation
  • Talking to a counselor or therapist
  • Communicating feelings clearly and directly
  • Taking timeouts when feeling angry or frustrated

When to Seek Help

While occasional irritability is normal, seek professional care if anger/mood issues:

  • Last for over 2 weeks
  • Severely impact work, relationships, health
  • Involve violent behavior or suicidal thoughts

Consult a doctor or mental health provider for evaluation and treatment options. Counseling may help manage chronic irritability.

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